Helsinki Sustainable City

More of the world’s most sustainable cities and how we can learn from them

How can we learn from trailblazing cities around the world to make a brighter, more sustainable future for Australia

Curitiba, Brazil             

Curitiba is a city in Brazil that has gained recognition for its innovative approaches to sustainability. Considered a pioneer in urban planning, the city’s vision for sustainability impressively dates back to the 70’s – long before sustainability become a buzzword.  The city has implemented a rapid transit system, developed green spaces, and has a strong recycling program.

Portland, USA   

Portland is a city in the United States that has been recognized for its sustainable practices, including a strong emphasis on public transportation and cycling, as well as a commitment to renewable energy.

Freiburg, Germany

Freiburg is a city in Germany that has implemented a range of sustainable practices, including the use of solar energy, a focus on green building practices, and a comprehensive public transportation system.

Reykjavik, Iceland

Reykjavik is a city that is committed to reducing its carbon footprint, with a goal to be carbon-neutral by 2040. The city has invested in geothermal energy and has implemented measures to reduce waste.


Singapore is a city that has prioritized sustainable practices, including the use of green building technologies, a focus on public transportation, and a commitment to reducing waste and promoting recycling.

Helsinki, Finland

Helsinki is a city that has made significant investments in renewable energy, including wind and solar power. The city has also implemented a range of sustainable transportation options, including cycling and electric vehicles.

Looking for sustainable commercial waste management solutions?

Want to know more about how to make your business more sustainable? Read these blogs:

Our Top Tips for making your business more sustainable

Why you need to be separating waste at the source for your business

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